Preeti Matneja PT CAPP graduated with Honors from a medical college under the University of Delhi in 1992. Preeti has completed extensive post graduate work in manual therapy, advanced levels of spinal evaluation and manipulation and myofascial manipulation under the University of St Augustine, Florida. She also received advanced training in pelvic therapy and rehabilitation from the Section on Women's Health under the American Physical Therapy Association since 2012. Her advanced training and expertise in pelvic therapy was recognized when she completed her certification of achievement in Pelvic Physical Therapy–CAPP from APTA.

Preeti is a certified pelvic floor specialist and is specialized to treat the musculoskeletal and visceral dysfunctions in and around the pelvis. This includes treatment for pain or dysfunction of the bladder, bowel, rectum, reproductive organs and perineal (or genital) area in and around the pelvis, back, hips and thigh. She also performs dry needling and was trained by Myopain Seminars and Travell MD seminar series. She is extensively trained in treating all aspects of pelvic floor dysfunctions in both female and male utilizing her orthopedic knowledge and skills. Preeti has created a unique and effective treatment approach for patients with chronic pelvic pain and dysfunctions.

During the past 20 years, she has helped patients with various orthopedic, neurological and pelvic conditions in a varied setting. Each person is treated with compassion and a special understanding of issues affecting women's and men's health with manual therapy and a holistic approach.

Preeti is a member of Virginial Physcial Therapy Association, American Physical Therapy Associaition, Interstitial Cystitis Association and American Pain Society.

Her article, "Importance of assessing and treating the effects of muscle length changes of the lumbo-pelvic hip complex muscles in chronic pelvic pain patients" was appreciated well by APTA during her case reflection studies.


Call 703-626-5000 or email info@purepelvic.com for more information or to schedule an appointment